Biosecurity Week 2020 – vigilence and hygiene

Monday, 27 July marks the start of Biosecurity Week 2020, which will see a week of activities across Aotearoa in which those working in the biosecurity sector highlight their work to their communities.  The event is led by the NZ Biosecurity Institute and this year’s theme is 20-20 Vigilance. Institute president Alice McNatty said Covid 19 has shown […]

Fall army worm reaches Australia

Confirmation this week that Fall Army Worm has reached mainland Australia, and is spreading fast, is bad news for Australia and New Zealand (as it gets that much closer to us). This voracious and none-to-fussy feeder is known to attack more than 350 plant species including Maize, Wheat, and many fruits and vegetables. It’s also […]

Competition winner and survey results announced

Congratulations to Annika and Johnny Lowe winners of the Jacson Cube® we gave away while exhibiting at the South Island field-days at the end of March.  Annika is an AI Technician as well as dairy farming with partner Johhny near Rangiora. In conjunction with the giveaway we asked two simple questions – Do you currently […]

It starts at the gate

With few ‘lead by example’ stories coming out of New Zealand currently we thought this story out of Australia might encourage our producers to make a start on their own biosecurity arrangements.

Biosecurity is not a sometimes activity

I want to relate a true story. A couple of weeks ago we met a South Island dairy farmer that had been caught up in the M. Bovis response. We spoke about what this had meant for him and his business – none of it good other than that he was now able to get […]

rural professional

NSW Farmers biosecurity messages apply equally well in New Zealand

“Farm biosecurity is not only a farmers responsibility, but of every person visiting or working on the property. If a new pest or disease becomes established on farms, it affects business through increased costs (for monitoring, production practices, additional chemical use and labour), reduced productivity (in yield and/or quality) or, importantly, loss of markets. ” […]

Eight years is long enough – let’s step-up in 2019

We thought we’d start the New Year with a reflection on 2018, to set the scene for the year ahead. Last year, KPMG’s 2018 Agribusiness Agenda provided some powerful insights into the current thinking about New Zealand’s Biosecurity. For the 60 business and farming leaders who were surveyed for the agenda, the top priority among […]

Inventing a footwear biosecurity system for farms – Coast and Country

Many thanks to the Coast and Country team for paying us a visit and sharing our story following the Biosecurity Awards late last year. Check out Catherine Fry’s story:

Keep up with Australian farm biosecurity news

We reckon the Aussies are doing a pretty good job of managing their biosecurity readiness, and there’s a lot we can learn from them. Australian Farm Biosecurity’s free monthly e-newsletter has useful info about what’s happening across the ditch with practical ideas and advice for biosecurity management.  This month there’s articles on Getting biosecurity zoning right,  Recognising […]