Biosecurity attacks a sure fire means of disrupting national economies

Don’t read this article if you’re the fearful type as this article appearing on the website will give you bad dreams.  It points out that both state sposored and non-state sponsored actors could relatively easily use a biosecurity incident to disrupt a national economy.  If you’re looking for an example of this you need look […]

Leisa Norris – Farmers need to take Biosecurity steps to protect, Stuff April 2018

This is one of those ‘in a nutshell’ type articles that appear on sometimes – short, succinct and on point.  Takeaways messages are – Biosecurity is much more than just M. Bovis and will be important long after M. Bovis runs its course, involve farm staff in making your plan, one of the easiest […]

Animal Health Australia – Farm Biosecurity Producer Survey 2017

In the absence of good New Zealand data this Australian survey (1200 respondents) shows just how hard it is to bring about sustainable behaviour change to our biosecurity practices.  The Aussies have been going at it much longer than us and yet their most practiced biosecurity measure – controlling weeds – was only reported by […]

UK vet questions biosecurity on NZ farms after visit – Dairy News, 2016

This article, published in 2016 takes the words right out of our mouths even in 2018.  Why has there been so little change in our readiness and resilience?   In our view it’s in part apathy and in part because we’re (the rural professional community) not demonstrating sustainable, long-term behaviours to our landowner customers and colleagues.  […]

How to get farm workers (and others) to adopt biosecurity practices

This practical extension article out of Canada insightfully explains how farm workers learn about biosecurity.  In a nutshell they do most of their learning while on the job and through observing the positive, and negative behaviours of their managers, peers and mentors.  It goes on to point out that knowing how good biosecurity practice influences […]

Farm Biosecurity Australia –

On a repeat visit to the Australian Farm Biosecurity website we came across a section where you can download a biosecurity manual for just about every industry sector and every crop you can think of. They even have a manual for zoos. This section is highly recommended!