Biosecurity is not a sometimes activity

I want to relate a true story. A couple of weeks ago we met a South Island dairy farmer that had been caught up in the M. Bovis response. We spoke about what this had meant for him and his business – none of it good other than that he was now able to get […]

rural professional

NSW Farmers biosecurity messages apply equally well in New Zealand

“Farm biosecurity is not only a farmers responsibility, but of every person visiting or working on the property. If a new pest or disease becomes established on farms, it affects business through increased costs (for monitoring, production practices, additional chemical use and labour), reduced productivity (in yield and/or quality) or, importantly, loss of markets. ” […]

Effluent ruled out as vector for M. Bovis transmission

It was awesome news that MPI in its stakeholder update last week, effectively ruled out effluent as a transmission vector for M. Bovis – that’s one less disease transmitted in poo (lets not forget there are other diseases that can be). It was also good to see MPI reiterate the general hygiene message and for […]

Biosecurity attacks a sure fire means of disrupting national economies

Don’t read this article if you’re the fearful type as this article appearing on the website will give you bad dreams.  It points out that both state sposored and non-state sponsored actors could relatively easily use a biosecurity incident to disrupt a national economy.  If you’re looking for an example of this you need look […]

Leisa Norris – Farmers need to take Biosecurity steps to protect, Stuff April 2018

This is one of those ‘in a nutshell’ type articles that appear on sometimes – short, succinct and on point.  Takeaways messages are – Biosecurity is much more than just M. Bovis and will be important long after M. Bovis runs its course, involve farm staff in making your plan, one of the easiest […]

New Zealand’s Biosecurity plan – Biosecurity 2025 Direction Statement

This Statement provides the direction New Zealand’s biosecurity systems need to take in the next 10 years to make it more resilient and future-focused. Visit the Biosecurity 2025 website to find out more about the Statement, its five strategic directions and five workplans, the groups involved, signing up for the latest biosecurity news and to […]