Fall army worm reaches Australia

Confirmation this week that Fall Army Worm has reached mainland Australia, and is spreading fast, is bad news for Australia and New Zealand (as it gets that much closer to us). This voracious and none-to-fussy feeder is known to attack more than 350 plant species including Maize, Wheat, and many fruits and vegetables. It’s also […]

US cropping states lost up to 90% of production when Stink bugs invaded USA.

How much damage can be done by an itty bitty bug you ask?  This informative Newsroom article tells an alarming story.  Key facts – some US cropping states lost up to 90% of their production when stink bugs arrived their in the 1990’s.   Also one researcher killed more than 26,000 of the little crittters in […]

Unwelcome pests need a firm response – NZ Herald, 27 December 2017

This article reminds us that New Zealand is and has been dealing with many biosecurity risks and incursions on a daily basis.  The article mentions Chilean Needle Grass, M. Bovis, Fanworm, Wilding Pines, Myrtle Rust, droplet tunicate, and Kauri Dieback (Phytophthora agathidicida). Read the full article on the Herald’s website.