Biosecurity is not a sometimes activity

I want to relate a true story. A couple of weeks ago we met a South Island dairy farmer that had been caught up in the M. Bovis response. We spoke about what this had meant for him and his business – none of it good other than that he was now able to get […]

rural professional

NSW Farmers biosecurity messages apply equally well in New Zealand

“Farm biosecurity is not only a farmers responsibility, but of every person visiting or working on the property. If a new pest or disease becomes established on farms, it affects business through increased costs (for monitoring, production practices, additional chemical use and labour), reduced productivity (in yield and/or quality) or, importantly, loss of markets. ” […]

Potato Psyllid Incursion – one persons story

Until you’ve been directly impacted by a biosecurity incursion its easy enough to downplay the very real, and often far reaching, consequences of an outbreak of disease or a pest infestation.  This story, posted in the December 2018 Australian Farm biosecurity newsletter details the experiences of one Western Australian Potato grower.  Its a familiar story, […]

People at the heart of Biosecurity

Often we think about the cost of biosecurity incursions in terms of the millions of dollars spent eradicating or mitigating or of the number of animals/produce culled or destroyed. As a result its easy to neglect the human cost and in doing so justify our own inaction.  We commend MPI for reminding us that Biosecurity […]

Effluent ruled out as vector for M. Bovis transmission

It was awesome news that MPI in its stakeholder update last week, effectively ruled out effluent as a transmission vector for M. Bovis – that’s one less disease transmitted in poo (lets not forget there are other diseases that can be). It was also good to see MPI reiterate the general hygiene message and for […]

Eight years is long enough – let’s step-up in 2019

We thought we’d start the New Year with a reflection on 2018, to set the scene for the year ahead. Last year, KPMG’s 2018 Agribusiness Agenda provided some powerful insights into the current thinking about New Zealand’s Biosecurity. For the 60 business and farming leaders who were surveyed for the agenda, the top priority among […]

Low risk, does not mean NO risk

For those properties impacted directly by M.Bovis (NODs and RPs), Biosecurity New Zealand recently made some updates and changes to its advice around cleaning and disinfecting. Some items were downgraded from high risk to medium or low, including: equipment or material from bovine milking or milk handling environments (medium) bovine genetic material (low) effluent/soil (extremely […]

Inventing a footwear biosecurity system for farms – Coast and Country

Many thanks to the Coast and Country team for paying us a visit and sharing our story following the Biosecurity Awards late last year. Check out Catherine Fry’s story:

Jacson3 grateful for acccounting support from PKF Hamilton

Throughout the development of the Jacson Cube we’ve been blessed with support and advice from our supply chain.  Front and centre in this group has been our acccountant Steven Stark of PKF Hamilton.  This article details that story 

Biosecurity measures that improve disease awareness the most valuable

“Biosecurity measures that improve disease awareness of farmers were ranked as both most important and most effective” by this Swedish study surveying the views of industry experts. It supports the view that though they may not always be the most effective measures for restricting the spread of any one disease, elements of a biosecurity plan […]